Master the World from Space! In this new and horrifying Android application you must take control of a Zombie spaceship and get to the base of the Central Earth.
If you like retro games, you like killing Zombies and you like to control your own spaceship , this is your game, try it now free in HD!
Year 2134 : The world we knew no longer exists, 100 years ago an alien invasion Earth succumbed , had no escape. Our scientists took 10 years to find a powerful enough to destroy the invaders weapon. But when used ... ZzZ GGG GGG ...
The invaders were destroyed , but ... were unable to withstand the destruction , chemicals every day we desolated further what we knew as the "Land " ... We turned , we were transformed ... in Zombies!
Were only a small group of people, but we have a cure , and we need to take it to the central database . We have stolen a ship to "Zombies" , we should be cautious , we can not be viewed .
- Control your own spaceship Zombie !
- HD graphics ! Free Quality has come to Android!
- Control system very simple and done it!
- Over 50 quests available !
- Contact us at
- Enter the web
Guru Dunia dari Space! Dalam aplikasi ini Android baru dan mengerikan Anda harus mengambil kendali dari pesawat ruang angkasa Zombie dan sampai ke dasar bumi Tengah.
Jika Anda seperti permainan retro, Anda suka membunuh zombie dan Anda ingin mengontrol pesawat ruang angkasa Anda sendiri, ini adalah permainan Anda, coba sekarang gratis di HD!
Tahun 2134: Dunia yang kita tahu tidak ada lagi, 100 tahun yang lalu invasi alien Earth menyerah, tidak melarikan diri. Ilmuwan kami mengambil 10 tahun untuk menemukan cukup kuat untuk menghancurkan penjajah senjata. Tapi ketika digunakan ... Zzz GGG GGG ...
Penjajah hancur, tapi ... tidak dapat menahan kehancuran, bahan kimia setiap hari kita desolated lanjut apa yang kita tahu sebagai "Tanah" ... Kami berbalik, kami berubah ... di Zombies!
Hanya sekelompok kecil orang, tapi kami memiliki obat, dan kita perlu bawa ke database pusat. Kami telah mencuri sebuah kapal untuk "Zombies", kita harus berhati-hati, kita tidak dapat dilihat.
- Kontrol pesawat ruang angkasa Zombie Anda sendiri!
- Grafis HD! Kualitas bebas telah datang untuk Android!
- Sistem kontrol sangat sederhana dan melakukannya!
- Lebih dari 50 quests tersedia!
- Hubungi kami di
- Masukkan web
Master the World from Space! In this new and horrifying Android application you must take control of a Zombie spaceship and get to the base of the Central Earth.
If you like retro games, you like killing Zombies and you like to control your own spaceship , this is your game, try it now free in HD!
Year 2134 : The world we knew no longer exists, 100 years ago an alien invasion Earth succumbed , had no escape. Our scientists took 10 years to find a powerful enough to destroy the invaders weapon. But when used ... ZzZ GGG GGG ...
The invaders were destroyed , but ... were unable to withstand the destruction , chemicals every day we desolated further what we knew as the "Land " ... We turned , we were transformed ... in Zombies!
Were only a small group of people, but we have a cure , and we need to take it to the central database . We have stolen a ship to "Zombies" , we should be cautious , we can not be viewed .
- Control your own spaceship Zombie !
- HD graphics ! Free Quality has come to Android!
- Control system very simple and done it!
- Over 50 quests available !
- Contact us at
- Enter the web